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Dates: during 1970-1979
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Today Contadora is Panama's star resort, with a government-owned casino and 210-room hotel (average room price: $70 a day). About 80 weekend homes owned mostly by wealthy Panamanians dot the beaches and hills. Palm, papaya and banana trees shade the island, and peacocks and deer roam freely. Temperatures climb to a torrid 95° during the day, but drop to a breezy 70° in the evening. The resort is just now entering its busy season, with the hotel booked solid through April. And, understandably, the tourists worry about the island's most famous guest...

Author: /time Magazine | Title: Nation: Shah's Haven | 12/31/1979 | See Source »

Meanwhile, the man who triggered the crisis by entering the U.S. last October for medical treatment-Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi-suddenly left the country last weekend for Panama. Early Saturday, the Shah with his family boarded an Air Force jet at Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, and flew to the Canal Zone, ending his 54-day stay in the U.S. Just where the Shah would live was uncertain. U.S. officials mentioned the lush resort island of Contadora off Panama's Pacific coast. But Luz Maria Quijano de Murray, Panamanian consul general in Philadelphia, said the Shah...

Author: /time Magazine | Title: Nation: Good Will Toward Men? | 12/24/1979 | See Source »

...Carter was viewed as a passive President and U.S. influence wilted as he plodded along a fairly peaceful course with nothing much to offer but homilies. Carter himself was one of those who judged that the U.S. President did not have the old-style clout. Then came the October weekend when he decided to let the Shah of Iran come to the U.S. for medical treatment. He had little notion that he was about to enter the world of short-term discretionary power...

Author: /time Magazine | Title: THE PRESIDENCY: Gulliver Is Up and Around | 12/24/1979 | See Source »

...half a cord of firewood stacked in a garage is a comforting source of emergency heat for buz zards and supply interruptions. When a 32-mile stretch of Virginia's Skyline Drive was opened up to wood collectors by the National Park Service last October, hundreds flocked in every weekend. In Nevada, U.S. Forest Service wood collection permits that once were free now cost $3.50; in California, they go for as much as $20. As one sturdy New Jersey wood scrounger put it, "Every log burned is a lump of caviar extracted from the mouth of an Arab...

Author: /time Magazine | Title: The Cooling of America | 12/24/1979 | See Source »

...publicist named Peter Meaden assumed informal responsibility for managing them, molding them into front men for the flourishing Mod movement. Representing a sort of secret style, a surly, dubious attitude and a way of life in which the work week was a lingering funeral and the weekend a temporary resurrection, Mod was a kind of berserk street refraction of traditional English clubmanship. Having the right clothes and shoes was important. Riding the right motor scooter was important. Gobbling the right pills in the right quantities and listening to the right music were important. All this has been captured well...

Author: /time Magazine | Title: Rock's Outer Limits | 12/17/1979 | See Source »

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