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Word: handcuffs (lookup in dictionary) (lookup stats)
Dates: during 1920-1929
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Harry Houdini, prestidigitator, handcuff king, foe of charlatan spiritists: "As I was about to perform my 'Chinese water-cell trick'* on the stage of the Capitol Theatre at Albany, N. Y., faulty stage tackle let the ponderous wood-and-iron stock fall upon my left foot, crushing it. Though my supple feet and ankles constitute great assets to me in my escapes from fetters, piano boxes, safes and other receptacles, I risked swelling and infection, stayed on the stage, did other tricks. Afterwards one of my staff said something about a 'jinx,' whereat I rebuked...

Author: /time Magazine | Title: People: Oct. 25, 1926 | 10/25/1926 | See Source »

Having tried out (unsuccessfully) for the $2,500 prize of The Scientific American (TIME, Feb. 23) for "proof of spooks," and having quarreled with Harry Houdini the Handcuff King (who claimed to have "shown her up"), Margery was invited to perform for a committee of experts at the Harvard University psychological laboratories. Scientists of no small account attended the seances-Drs. Harlow Shapley (astronomer), S. B. Wolbach (pathologist), W. J. V. Osterhout (botanist), Edwin G. Boring, William McDougall and Hudson Hoagland (psychologists...

Author: /time Magazine | Title: Science: Again Margery | 11/2/1925 | See Source »

...wreaths on the grave of the Unknown Soldier, ("They live always," read Sir Conan Doyle's wreath. "There is no death; there are no dead," read that of Mrs. M. D. Cadwallader of Chicago.); and there was denunciation of medium-denunciators such as Harry Houdini, the skeptical handcuff king...

Author: /time Magazine | Title: Science: Beyond | 9/21/1925 | See Source »

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