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Word: piece (lookup usage) (lookup stats)



  • A coin, especially one valued at less than the principal unit of currency.
  • An artillery gun.
  • An artistic creation, such as a painting, sculpture, musical composition, literary work, etc.
  • A part of a larger whole, usually in such a form that it is able to be separated from other parts.
  • A single item belonging to a class of similar items: as, for example, a piece of machinery, a piece of software.
  • baseball Used to describe a pitch that has been hit but not well, usually either being caught by the opposing team or going foul. Usually used in the past tense with got, and never used in the plural.
  • colloquial| (plural) sandwiches, packed lunch.
  • One of the small objects played in board games, e.g. a pawn or a draught.
  • Canada|colloquial (short for hairpiece); a toupee or wig, usually when worn by a man.
  • colloquial A gun.
  • colloquial|mildly|vulgar (short for "piece of crap") a shoddy or worthless object, usually applied to consumer products like vehicles or appliances.
  • colloquial|vulgar A sexual encounter; from piece of ass or piece of tail
  • slang A cannabis pipe.

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  • ''(usually with "together"):'' To reassemble something (real or metaphorically.)

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