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Word: drag (lookup usage) (lookup stats)



  • A device dragged along the bottom of a body of water in search of something, e.g. a dead body.
  • A puff on a cigarette or joint.
  • foundry The bottom part of a sand casting mold.
  • slang Someone or something that is annoying or frustrating.
  • slang Someone or something that is disappointing.
  • from mid-18th c.
  • from mid-19th c.
  • uncountable Resistance of the air (or some other fluid) to something moving through it.
  • slang Any type of clothing or costume associated with a particular occupation or subculture (corporate drag).
  • slang Women?s clothing worn by men for the purpose of entertainment.

Source: Wiktionary | Src Info »


  • computer To move a mouse cursor while holding down a button on the mouse, often to move something on the screen.
  • drag one's feet To act or proceed slowly or without enthusiasm; to be reluctant.
  • intransitive To move slowly.
  • transitive To pull along a surface or through a medium, sometimes with difficulty.

Source: Wiktionary | Src Info »