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Word: bull (lookup usage) (lookup stats)



  • finance Of a market in which prices are rising (compare bear)
  • Large and strong, like a bull.
  • Of large mammals, male.

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  • A lie.
  • 16th century|obsolete a bubble
  • A large, strong man.
  • (''also'' '''papal bull''') An official document or edict from the Pope.
  • A seal affixed to a document, especially a document from the Pope.
  • informal Nonsense.
  • finance An investor who buys (commodities or securities) in anticipation of a rise in prices.
  • In particular, the uncastrated adult male of domesticated cattle or oxen.
  • slang A policeman.
  • Philadelphia A male person.
  • The adult male of certain large mammals, such as whales, elephants and seals.

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  • (''British military'') To polish boots to a high shine.
  • 17th century to publish in a Papal bull
  • intransitive To force oneself (in a particular direction).
  • intransitive To lie, to tell untruths.
  • to mock, cheat

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