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Word: house (lookup usage) (lookup stats)



  • A structure to protect or store something or someone.
  • A dynasty, a familial descendance, for example, a royal House.
  • A grouping of schoolchildren for the purposes of competition in sports and other activities.
  • An early or alternative name for the game bingo.
  • An establishment, whether actual, as a pub, or virtual, as a website.
  • A protective structure on the deck of a ship.
  • astrology One of the twelve divisions of an astrological chart.
  • A structure serving as an abode of human beings.
  • A theatre building, or the audience for a live theatrical or similar performance.
  • British A complete set of numbers in bingo.
  • business A company or organisation.
  • curling The three concentric circles where points are scored on the ice
  • House music.
  • politics A deliberative assembly forming a component of a legislature, or, more rarely, the room or building in which such an assembly normally meets.
  • The mode of living as if in a house.
  • The usual place to find an object or an animal.
  • US An aggregate of characteristics of a house.

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Proper noun:

  • More generally, a shortened name for any chamber of a legislature that is named "House of...", especially where the other chamber(s) are not so named (as in Australia or Canada), or where there is no other chamber (as in New Zealand).
  • topographic|from=Middle English|dot= for someone residing in a house (as opposed to a hut) or in a religious house.
  • US The House of Representatives, "the House".

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  • astrology To dwell within one of the twelve astrological houses.
  • transitive To admit to residence; to harbor/harbour.
  • transitive To contain or cover mechanical parts.
  • transitive To keep within a structure or container.

Source: Wiktionary | Src Info »